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Become a Member

You can make a significant and ongoing contribution to everything we do by becoming a member of BANC. Being a member is an important way for you to have your views and ideas heard.

By joining BANC you will be actively engaging with your community and contributing to its growth. 

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Our members, whether they are quiet achievers or movers and shakers, are the kinds of people who make things happen in the Upper Mountains. By joining their ranks, you will become part of a powerful force for good in our community. You will be able to vote at our Annual General Meeting or stand for membership of our Board. 

As a member you will have access to a wealth of information about local events and activities, initiatives and resources, as well as being invited to actively participate in discussions that contribute to shaping the community’s future.

There are three member levels to choose from:

Waged Membership

Concession Membership

Volunteer Membership

* Volunteer Membership – Free (if you volunteer at least 2 hours per month with BANC) This membership cannot currently be registered on this website. Please discuss registration with your line manager.

Once we receive your membership registration, your application will go to the BANC Board for approval.

Click here to learn more or apply to become a member. 

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