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Chair Jo Hibbert Oct 2024

Johneen Hibbert

Chair, GRC Committee, Shelter Sub-Committee,
TFA Sub-Committee

Jo Hibbert’s 45 years working and volunteering, in the not-for-profit community development sector, illustrates her commitment to working collaboratively to improve equity of access to essential services for those who are disadvantaged.
Her work has focussed on supporting unemployed and homeless young people; women’s services; community legal services; community housing initiatives; community and neighbourhood development projects; disability services; and adult community education. 

She is a proud Union member and has been an active delegate in the ASU (formerly the Australian Social Welfare Union) and a Federal Executive Member of the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).


Gary Moore

Vice-Chair, FAI Committee,
SmartenUp Sub-Committee, TFA Sub-Committee

Gary has over 40 years’ experience in social policy and human services roles in the public and not for profit sectors in NSW. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work, Masters in Management and is a Graduate of Sydney Leadership.  Gary provides strategic management advice and program and service design expertise through Board participation to BANC. 

Gary represented BANC on the Transport for NSW Blackheath Great Western Highway Co-design Committee. 

Peter Perry Headshot

Peter Perry

Treasurer, FAI Committee, TFA Sub-Committee

Peter joined the BANC Board in 2023 where he has served as Treasurer and on the Finance, Audit and Improvement Committee.

For the last 25 years, Peter has devoted himself to working and volunteering for a range of not for profit (NFP) organisations, including University of Sydney Union, Humane Society International and Guide Dogs NSW. Most of Peter’s career has been in senior financial roles, with budgets ranging from $2m to $800m. He was the CEO of Spinal Cord Injuries Australia for 12 years and is now the General Manager at Blue Mountains Food Services. Peter is passionate about building social capital via his extensive skills and experience in strategy, planning, employee engagement, change management, project management, financial and investment management.

Peter and his partner (and gorgeous black Labrador) have fulfilled a decades long dream by moving to the mountains from Camperdown. He is excited about volunteering with and supporting outstanding organisations such as the Blackheath Area Neighbourhood Centre to further his passion for community, sustainability and social justice. 


Christine Wheeler

Ordinary Member, GRC Committee,
SmartenUp Sub-Committee, TFA Sub-Committee

Christine Wheeler is an accomplished musician best known for creating a thriving choral community in the upper mountains. In 2009 she founded The Heathens, a community choir with a philosophy of inclusion, fellowship and continual learning. Now 60 members strong, The Heathens have become a beloved fixture in Blackheath and beyond. 

Her many achievements include her role as Artistic Director of the biennial Blackheath Choir Festival and as the driving force behind Bulgamada, a massed choir event held in 2019, that celebrated indigenous singer songwriters with a choir of over 100 from the Blue Mountains and beyond. 


Henry Lebovic

Ordinary Member, FAI Committee,
SmartenUp Sub-Committee

Formerly a Sydney-based software designer, Henry Lebovic moved to Blackheath in 2017. His passion for creating environmentally sustainable communities and addressing the threats of climate change have influenced many Board decisions. 

One key project is making Phillips Hall energy independent by converting to solar and battery power. Henry, who is legally blind, is also keen to develop solutions that make Blackheath’s physical environment more accessible to people with a range of disabilities. 


Ina Gaha

Ordinary Member, Shelter Sub-Committee

Ina Gaha has over 35 years experience working for the state government and in the not-for-profit sector. 

She worked for NSW Health on a variety of projects aimed at increasing access to services for diverse populations across the Western Sydney region. Ina also worked for Legal Aid NSW providing training for female workers in the statewide Womens Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service WDVCAS. She has experience working in the community sector in community housing and capacity building. 

Ina has a keen interest in the preservation of native wildlife and the environment, volunteering with bush regeneration and the rehabilitation of injured native animals. 

Leigh Cupitt

Leigh Cupitt

Ordinary Member, Shelter Sub-Committee,
TFA Sub-Committee

Leigh brings over 40 years experience in the community and international development field.

She has worked extensively in Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains, including as the Manager of Katoomba Neighbourhood and Mountains Community Resource Centre. Following this, Leigh was a policy person for Women’s, Aboriginal and Migrant Health at the Wentworth Area Health Centre before taking up a position in the Commonwealth Department of Aboriginal and Islander Health.

Leigh moved on to spend 13 years working with Law and Justice and Sexual Assault Services for International Development in PNG, Solomons and Bougainville. Here she assisted strengthening Government agencies and their staff with strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Leah Godfrey

Leah Godfrey

General Manager

Leah has been General Manager at BANC since 2018 and is an ex-officio member of the Board. She brings to BANC her substantial experience in project management and community engagement along with her extensive skills in delivering high quality, cost effective, responsive programs.

Leah has over 30 years’ experience in service delivery and leadership roles in human services in many areas, such as Hobart, Melbourne, Western NSW and Western Sydney and was previously the Executive Officer at Western Sydney Community Forum.

With a Bachelor of Social Work and a Master of Social Policy and Planning, Leah’s service delivery experience has focussed on supporting homeless young people, young people with disabilities, community health and community development.

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